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7 of the Best No Equipment Exercises to Do At Home

Challenge Training Studio

Updated: Apr 12, 2020

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... Follow our Workout At Home Blog Or why not put together your own workout?

Start with these 7 of the best no equipment workouts below.

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1. Bodyweight Squat

Works the legs (quads, hamstrings, calves), the glutes and abdominals! Winner!

See video below to ensure good form and technique

Want to Shake it up a bit???? Try some Squat Jumps to add a cardio element to the move.

2. Lunges

Works the quads, glutes, and hamstrings.

To correctly do a lunge: Start by standing up tall. Step forward with one foot until your leg reaches a 90 degree angle.

Shake it up a bit by doing a walking lunge if you have the space or add some cardio by making it a Jumping Lunge

3. Calf Raises

Bodyweight Calf Raises strengthen and tone the calf muscles (technical names: gastrocnemius and soleus).

Starting position: If needed - Stand near a wall for balance. Place your feet hip-width apart, and make sure your ankles, knees, and hips are in vertical alignment to protect your joints.

Raise your heels to come onto the balls of your feet. Keep your abdominal muscles pulled in so that you move straight upward, rather than shifting your body forward or backward.

Shake it up a bit by doing the raises off the edge of your stairs, or try a single leg variation.

4. Supine Crab Walk

The Supine crab walk works your triceps, shoulders, abdominals and quads. It’s definitely a full-body exercise that works multiple muscle groups at once, allowing you to get more done in less time.

5. Triceps Dips

Triceps dips work your triceps, shoulders and chest muscles.

(technical terms: triceps brachii, anterior deltoids in the front of the shoulders and the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor)

  • Place your hands behind you onto a chair, so that your fingers face forward.

  • Extend your legs and start bending your elbows.

  • Lower your body until your arms are at a 90-degree angle.

  • Lift your body back up until your arms are straight.

  • Repeat.

6. Planks - Natalie's Favourite!

The plank is an exercise that works the body’s core, specifically the abdominal muscles and lower back.

Anytime you are in a plank position (forearm or high) make sure that your core is engaged and be careful that your hips and bottom do not drop or push up into the air. You want to be as straight as you can be... Hold the position for anything from a few seconds to 1 or 2 minutes as you progress.

Shake it up by trying a Plank Roll or Pulsing the side planks

High Plank

> Begin on all fours (hands and knees) with your hands on the floor directly underneath your shoulders about shoulder-width distance apart.

> Lift up off of your knees by completely extending your legs behind you. Tuck your toes under so that your entire body is lifted up off the ground, supported by your arms and legs

ForeArm Plank

> Lower down onto your forearms, slowly and with one arm at a time. Be sure to keep your shoulders above your elbows. You can angle your forearms inward or keep them straight.

Side Plank

> Lie on your side using your up on your elbow and forearm, shoulders in line over your elbow

> Raise your hips so that your body forms a straight line from head to toe.

> Keeping your core and glutes engaged and hold

7. Press Ups

A press up uses your own body weight as resistance, working your upper body and core at the same time. In the standard press up, the following muscles are targeted: chest muscles, and shoulders (technical terms: pectorals and deltoids)

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